
Open job ads

We currently have no job openings

Would you like to apply on your own initiative?

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

1. Are all vacancies still to be filled?

Yes! Our job ads are always up to date.

2. What type of application is required?

Submit your application through our online portal. Creative applications are also suitable.

3. What documents are needed?

Send us your resume/application with the earliest possible start date and your salary requirements. If there are any other documents that will help us get to know you better, please attach them to your application. Creative applications are also welcome.

4. I would like to work at umagine, but i can't find any suitable open positions at the moment. Can I still send you my resume?

Absolutely! Send us your resume/application, information about yourself and what position you are interested in. We can then find out whether you basically fit in with us and whether there might be a suitable position for you.

5. When can I expect a response to my application?

We know that quick feedback is important and we always try to provide qualified feedback as soon as possible. From time to time, we may need to coordinate internally, which can delay the process a bit. But in general, our goal is to get you feedback as soon as possible.

6. What language is spoken at umagine?

We are an international team, so our communication is mainly in English and German.